Archive of vintage production memorabilia from Land of the Giants (ABC-TV, 1968-70). This extensive lot includes a TV Guide cover and 11 in. x 14 in. photo blow-up of the same cover (these were produced by TV Guide in limited numbers from their original cover negatives in the 1960s and 70s, which were then matted). The cover and blow-up each feature Gary Conway (as Steve Burton) and Deanna Lund (as Valerie Scott) dramatically posing in an oversized laboratory beaker. Also includes a fan postcard of Conway with printed signature; an original special effects shooting script featuring a complete sfx storyboard sequence of the pilot episode "The Crash" with handwritten notes and thumbnail sketches (including one of an early version of the show's Spindrift shuttlecraft); a Call Sheet used in the making of a specific episode; an original Gary Conway shooting script of the episode "The Night of the Thrombeldinbar" signed by Conway on the cover; and an original vintage press kit complete with four black & white studio photographs and studio production notes.
Sold for $400 at the Profiles in History Hollywood Auction 17, 12 December 2003.
Courtesy of Profiles in History
Sold for $400 at the Profiles in History Hollywood Auction 17, 12 December 2003.
Courtesy of Profiles in History