British Land of the Giants Sticker Fun Book which was part colouring book, part sticker book. Published in Great Britain in 1969 by World Distributors (Manchester) Ltd. by arrangement with Western Publishing Company, Racine, Wisconsin, USA. Printed in the Netherlands. Originally sold for 2/6 (2 shillings and 6 pence in pre-decimalisation days, 12.5 pence in modern day currency).

The Land of the Giants Sticker Fun Book has 8 pages (A to H) for placing stickers and colouring in. There are 4 pages of stickers, 1 page of stickers at the beginning of the book, 1 at the back of the book, and a double page of stickers in the center of the book.

If purchasing a vintage copy of the Land of the Giants Sticker Fun Book, check whether the back of the sticker pages have become stuck to the adjoining page (check that pages A, D, E and H are accessible). The stickers are the type that need to be moistened for sticking to a page. We recommend putting some non-stick layer (such as a layer of foil) behind any sticker pages to ensure that moisture in the air doesn't cause them to stick to the adjoining page.

You can see on the left and right edges of this photo where the stickers have been stuck to the page A drawing and carefully prised apart. If anyone knows how to safely separate the sticker pages from their adjoing page, please let us know. It would be difficult to steam the pages apart if they are well stuck down. Steaming could also further damage the stickers and pages.